Welcome New Members
Welcome to the DCRP Masters Swim Team! We look forward to seeing you at the pool.
Please make sure you read all the information on our website swimdcrp.org carefully.
At Wilson, there is a roster at the front desk. Check your name off and come down to the pool. We have four short course lanes at each of our practice times. When you come to practice, make sure you sign the sheet on deck as we track attendance for administrative purposes. The roster at the front desk is to facilitate easy entry only. The sheet on deck is used for attendance.
We have several coaches who rotate coaching. But when you come to your first practice, please ask for me (Juliette) regardless of who is coaching.
You will receive an email indicating you have been added to the listserv. Out of respect for all members, this list is for swim team info only.
You will receive an email from Max with details about a user account for you on our website and a final step for registration.
Please let me know if you have questions that are not answered on the website.
Thanks, and see you at the pool,