District of Columbia Recreation and Parks Masters Swim Team

District of Columbia Recreation and Parks Masters Swim Team


Each DCRP year consists of 4 seasons based on the DPR permit calendar (mid-month Sept – Nov, Nov – Mar, Mar – Jun, Jun – Sept). The cost for each season is $70 for DC residents and $80 for non DC residents.

  1. First join/register for USMS: https://www.usms.org/join-usms/join-or-renew – You cannot join DCRP unless you have a USMS number (USMS membership is required for insurance purposes).
  2. Once you have a USMS number, you may follow the link in your invitation email and complete the membership form.
  3. You will be taken to PayPal to complete your online transaction after you complete the membership form. Please note that you do NOT need to create a PayPal account to complete your transaction; simply click continue.
  4. After you have completed and we have verified your paypal transaction, you are a DCRP member for the current session.

Welcome! See you at the pool!